brainspotting voor traumaverwerking en angst

What is brainspotting?

Brainspotting is an effective, body-oriented method for processing trauma and deep-rooted emotional blockages. You do not have to talk during the sessions, relive or activate a specific event as with EMDR. Clients who have previously had EMDR indicate that brainspotting works more deeply. Residual complaints that are still present after EMDR are also processed well with brainspotting.

With brainspotting you reach those areas in the brain where trauma is stored and you can hardly or not at all reach it with talking. With brainspotting you do not have to know exactly what is causing your complaint. You can work from a feeling, a physical complaint, stress, attachment issues or an emotion such as anger, fear, guilt, shame, powerlessness, condemnation, rejection, loneliness etc.

For people who prefer not to talk about a painful or sad event, this is a suitable method of processing.

How does brainspotting work?

Our brain consists of networks that are full of information and connected to each other. Brainspotting works on the limbic system. This area holds the emotional information and trauma. It withdraws from the cognitive (our thinking) and verbal (speaking) abilities.

All networks and events in our lives have eye positions. With brainspotting we look for an eye position together, the so-called brain spot. A brain spot is a cluster of networks in the brain that are activated and related to the subject that is important to you at that moment. The networks where the unprocessed information is stored are looked up. We do this by asking where you feel this in your body. We look for the most suitable eye position so that focus is created. The body is aware of the specific networks that are activated in the brain, which allows it to clean up and process.

In this way, areas in the brain where trauma is stored and that are still subconsciously activated by situations in the here and now, can come to rest. You are, as it were, clearing away the mess that has been stored for a long time, that you carry around like ballast and that keeps you captive.

How does a brainspotting session proceed?

We always start with a topic you want to work on. This could be:

  • a specific event
  • a specific memory
  • feelings that you are bothered by
  • feeling of tension in your body, tiredness or emptiness
  • physical complaint such as headache, not being able to sleep and not knowing why
  • feeling of restlessness that just won't go away
  • certain negative thoughts about yourself that you just can't get rid of
  • nightmares you can't explain
  • panic attacks but you don't know what's causing it

Before we start, you will be given headphones with instrumental music specifically designed for brainspotting. The music is soft and moves from one ear to the other in a steady rhythm. This is to activate the brain and supports the session.

Before we start looking for the brainspot, I ask you what feeling you experience in your body when you think about the subject and where you feel that in your body. You then indicate on a scale of 0 to 10 how strong that feeling is. The brainspot is chosen with the help of a pointer. There are different methods with which you can find a brainspot. We always find one. You can't do anything wrong. Your brain knows what to do.

Every session is different. Sometimes it seems like nothing has happened, you notice nothing other than a change in tension in your body, you have many thoughts or you are withdrawn. In the beginning it can be difficult to keep your attention on your feelings in your body and sometimes your thoughts wander. Or your head starts thinking that this is nonsense, this is not working, what are you doing. That is not bad. It's a way of resistance. I am there and help you to bring your attention back.

Other times emotions are released such as sadness, fear, anger or laughter. Do you see images from the past, do you want to tell all sorts of things, memories that come back from your childhood, do you see colours. This goes in waves, up and down. The feeling with which we started the session can move to other parts of your body. Sometimes you get tension in your neck and shoulders, tingling in your hands or a headache. This all goes away during or after the session.

The areas that are activated in your brain continue to work for 48 to 72 hours. After the session, you may be more easily irritated, more tired, feel rushed or suddenly have crying fits. The brain is still processing.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions depends on the complaints and also differs per person. For multiple or complex trauma, assume at least 10 sessions. Every system is different and reacts differently. Sometimes it takes a number of sessions before your system feels at ease and allows brainspotting. If a lot has happened in your life, there may be resistance from your survival parts such as fear of losing control, ratio (what are you doing, this is not working). As a result, you are unable to feel. Your system freezes, as it were, and needs some time to allow it.

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