Couple therapy, coaching and brainspotting

Within my practice I provide individual coaching, relationship therapy and brainspotting. Together we look at which patterns you have developed over time and where they originated. I help you to recognize, examine and change them. It is like unpacking a backpack. What have you collected over time, what do you want to keep, what is no longer usable and you can leave behind. An important element of the therapy is to get to know, understand and express your feelings. With the aim of being able to connect with yourself and the other in a healthy way.

The image of the Nautilus shell represents to me how we are as human beings. Once we grew as a fetus in the womb and every year we have grown a year older in this world. As it were, rooms with memories have been added to our lives. We have not only grown literally, but also emotionally. There are people whose rooms with memories, feelings and emotions are connected to their thinking. Thinking and feeling are connected to each other, which creates balance. There are also people whose rooms of feeling and what they have experienced in their lives are not (anymore) connected to their thinking. Because of what they have experienced, they have unconsciously closed the connection between the rooms because they had to survive at a young age or grew up in a very rational environment where feeling simply did not matter that much. Achievements were valued, emotions were not or seen as whining. There is then a separation between thinking and feeling. Subconsciously you close off your feelings and put them in a box. You are then mainly in your head and think that your ratio guides you, but nothing could be further from the truth. Neuroscience has long proven that it is not our thinking that leads us, but what we subconsciously feel, determines our thinking and our reactions. To be able to connect your feelings and thinking, is important. When they are connected you are able to make decisions consciously in stead of subconsciously. If we are not aware of our inner motives, in other words what is happening on an emotional level, we subconsciously repeat survival patterns that were necessary within our family system and are still used in our relationships in the here and now while they are no longer constructive.

Click here for information about:

Coaching Relationship therapy Brainspotting

KvK: 82148511

Btw-id: NL003645811B61

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